Cause of stress:
Do You know what? Our brain works according to us, if we think of something, our brain can never consider it positive unless we end up with that negativity ourselves. Mostly it happens that things ain’t that ambiguous as we view them. In fact we can make our arduous problems easier by considering them easy for us in our brain.
When you’re doing any difficult task which you chose on your own then it seems hard but you don’t stop completing it because it was your decision. The challenges you face during completion of your task are a cause of stress for you but at the end after the completion of the task you feel glad and the results are the fruit of your abundant struggle. That’s why you complete your task. You don’t give up while facing the trouble and stress. Therefore you should always be encouraged when facing such difficulties, you can overcome stress by being motivated towards your goal and by waiting for the results.
How can you reduce stress:
There are many ways of overcoming stress, exercising is one of them that can help you in maintaining the fitness of your body as well as it lowers the level of stress. Exercise also prevents the physical impact of stress over your body in essence weight loss or gain, headaches etcetera. It doesn’t mean that you’ve to struggle a lot, however you may walk for ten to fifteen minutes a day, jumping may help you, run once a day, push ups can affect the impact of stress (if you can) otherwise it’s optional.

2.Have rest:
The stress or anxiety has an impact on your behavior. You become frustrated, irritated, annoyed when you’re stressed. In this case when stress is overcoming yourself, let it not be done by prioritizing yourself, your mental health. In order to relieve yourself from stress you have to do your favorite and desired activities, in essence watching comedy shows or movies, going outside, by gaming and a lot more can help you in feeling pleased and free from anxiety / stress.
There are many other ways of releasing stress and anxiety. The link below is also a source which can help you and as well as give you consolation.

- Stop pressuring your brain:
It can’t bear that pressure. It works appropriately only when it’s relaxing. But the question that arises, how can you reduce the pressure on your brain? First of all, if you’re doing any task either easy or difficult, just consider that task as easy in your mind, however it’s not but in order to relieve pressure you have to do this.
- Staying in present helps you in fighting against stress:
You can reduce your stress by paying attention to those tasks which you can perform, not to those which ain’t in your control. Because there are many, many thoughts running in your mind in a day but not every thought you get of various things but not everything is possible for you. We do get thousands of thoughts in a minute in our mind and because of it we stop living in the present because these thoughts continuously engage us in the past or in future but not in present, therefore such thoughts need to be controlled and their control is in our hands. We rule over our organs and we can control them. Often one gets so many negative thoughts and imaginary scenarios especially over thinkers, that’s why they are worried all the time and sometimes ill as well.
One of the main causes of stress and anxiety is consuming every negative news and continuously thinking about it. Let me explain it, when you hear any odd news or just focusing that side for twenty four seven it will definitely affect your setting of mind and will make you think about that negative sight, it’ll cause stress and can lead as well as to anxiety. So it’s better to avoid the sources of distress.
- Boost your immune system:
Another thing which will help you in avoiding stress is boosting your immune system, you can do it by following a lot of tips and recipes. You can
▫️Reduce the amount of sugar in food.
▫️Do any physical exercise.
▫️Take jaggery after the meal of afternoon.
▫️Add ginger or turmeric in your tea or lukewarm water.
▫️Use honey in the daily routine.
▫️ Take a paste made up of turmeric ginger and honey mixed in water or without water.
Besides these there are more recipes for healthy diet and instructions regarding this available on various websites and applications.
Here is reference of one of the video provided related to this topic:
Also you have to relax yourself mentally and physically both in order to lower the stress. It’s necessary because your body isn’t exactly like a machine, it can’t work properly and stay under pressure. The rest or break and relaxation is a fuel of the body. A break is one of the major requirements for the body, remember that!
- Try to be positive in negative situations & accept every challenge:
When we’re having a hard time or tough situation, we begin to argue and blame someone for that all just because we’re stressed out and afraid of that condition. It seems that the being mad at someone will make one less depressed so, it’s totally wrong however the better thing rather than it is to accept that phase you’re going through which and consider it your fate, instead of getting exasperated try to be calm and stay positive in such condition, make that situation your source of strength as the tougher things teach a lot of of lessons so try to learn from it, don’t be vexed. It will assist you in reducing stress.
- Stop blaming others:
It’s better to accept that difficult situation and let yourself be afraid rather than try to blame someone else for such a situation. Because it will give you peace and by not blaming others you’ll not hate yourself.
*If you’re doing a job like Doctor or nurse, therapist, in essence you’re servicing the people, permit yourself to be assisted by someone if you need it. Because you are just serving others then you would need to be supported by someone.
If one is continuously working and busy for the twenty four seven then it will definitely require time for rest. As a human being we all need another person whether a friend or a family member or somebody else. You may need his/her support. Remember! You can’t ignore the need of your body, and the need of your body might be “the support”. In fact we’re designed in a way that “help” is one of our body’s major needs.
Pros of stress:
Stress is something that gives you energy as well as it lowers your energy. The stress is positive for you in the way you stop considering your difficulties as challenges but you have to consider that nothing is tough or laborious for you, you can sort out anything or you may choose the negative way in which you may stress out and your brain doesn’t have the capacity for pressure of stress beyond it’s accommodation.
One study regarding stress says that the people who consider the stress as a burden or trouble have 30% more chances of death than the people who don’t panic during stress but take it as an ordinary phase of life and have less chances of death than those with 30%. Stress also helps us in creating a friendship and relationship in the way, when we’re pressurized ourselves because of stress in the situation of tension or sorrow therefore we share our feelings in such situations with someone and ones who understand us and support us in such tough times become our true fellas or best mate. It’s clarified that stress is good for us in many many ways. It’s a part of life.
•Stress is a good source of energy.
•Stress helps you in socializing and interacting.
•Stress makes your life meaningful.
What do studies say about stress?
Some of the studies and search regarding stress prove that the people who perform some significant and inconvenient tasks in their life , have more stress in life as compared to those who don’t perform such tasks. In my opinion this is because stress reduces happiness but NOT VANISH happiness! If you observe you’ll find that when you’re stressed out you’re not happy at the moment but worried. However, stress isn’t that much harming for you, in fact when you stay free for the rest of your time and normally you don’t have nothing to do in essence you don’t have any productive thing to do during that time you would feel depressed.If you don’t believe so you can perform experiment for evidence.
Stress provides energy:
The saying of Miss Kelly McGonigal the author of the book “The Upside Of Stress: Why stress is good for you (And how to get good at it)” is that “Stress provides you energy”. Let’s understand it with an example, if one of your family member’s or friend’s life is in danger and you’ve to save him/her so you would rush, the only thing that would be circulating in your mind is that you’ve to save them at any cost! And in order to do this you would require a lot of energy, then your body will work the same as your brain would. Because you will require a lot of energy from your body and try to give your hundred percent in saving them, your breath rate will increase because your brain would need more oxygen for thinking comprehensively. You would need energy as well as in your muscles to get your loved one out of trouble, that’s why your heart rate will increase so your blood would transfer the large amount of energy into the muscles rapidly, you would be sweating in such situation too because your efficiency of performance would be needed and for this your body temperature will be regulated. Then your body would be ready for the task which has to be performed by you. after when you’ve completed it think about you in that situation, in essence what was happening to you:
- Your breath rate increased.
- Your heart rate increased.
- You were sweating.
When you focus on only one thing at a time your body functions according to the thinking of your mind. We stress out in various situations when we’re doing a challenging task. Therefore the stress is beneficial for us not harming. Stress prepares our body for carrying out any task and it’s also a source of energy.
How stress harms:
Oxytocin chemical released by brain:
When you are having extreme stress, your brain releases oxytocin chemicals. This chemical activates the body, it releases when you feel, touch or hug someone. It helps your body in caring and supporting someone, in sharing your sorrows, in asking for help, in talking with someone. Because of Oxytocin we are able to love, care, and support. Besides, it makes the heart strong in the way that when you begin to socialize, your heart gets stronger and you can be social by helping others, by talking with others. This chemical is beneficial as well as essential for us and for our heart.
Therefore it’s better to not to take stress as some people have said:
“Breathe darling. This is just a chapter. It’s not your whole story.”
–S.C. Lourie ”
“If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember trees lose their leaves every year and they stand tall and wait for better days to come.”
Remember! Every problem is temporary so you should have firm faith in your God. He will definitely fix your every problem. Try to make a strong contact with Allah.