This article will provide you with the answer to how to lose weight. An unfit body and unnecessary weight are hazardous for one. Having a massive amount of fat in your body results in various disadvantages. It leads to several diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cholesterol. It impacts your personality so that a fatty figure lessens your beauty, and nobody wants that. Maintaining the balance of mass of your body leads to a healthier life. It’s a fact that you have to control your feeling of appetite and avoid the most favorite foods, but the result is much greater than those temporary sacrifices.
The food you eat in your daily routine has the most significant impact on your weight. Therefore it’s essential to follow a healthy diet plan and eat according to that, and if you have a craving for something more, try to control it because it won’t let you lose weight. Whenever you’re eating, either it’s your lunch or dinner, get habitual to not to be filled, but at the start of the day, i.e., in the morning, you should have your breakfast correctly and eat beneficial products such as eggs because proteins, minerals, and vitamins are abundant in eggs such as Selenium (makes DNA and prevents cell damage and infection) and Riboflavin (or vitamin B2 that transforms the carbohydrates into glucose).
Since eggs have protein, therefore it aids in feeling full, which prevents excessive calorie intake or cravings. Some studies also provided evidence that eating eggs in breakfast can play a role in losing weight as they can give you a feeling of fullness for a long time.
Your daily routine plays a vital role in maintaining your physical and mental health and balancing the body’s weight, in essence, your sleeping time, your physical activities, or other activities you perform throughout the day.
Sleep on time:Â
First, you have to sleep at an accurate time at night and wake up early in the morning because it avoids laziness and assists in being fit. After all, when you get sufficient sleep, you’ll be fresh and won’t feel sleepy. The sleeping hours differ from person to person, but according to the expert, 7 – 9 hours are adequate for sleeping usually.Â
Perform physical activities:
If you don’t perform any physical exercise your whole day, such as playing, walking, running, swimming, push-ups, or anything that involves movement of body parts, then you’ll not be able to stay fit and healthy and will end up in obesity or various health problems because sitting or lying whole day can damage the ability of your body parts to function, it can lead to slothfulness.
Morning exercise:
Start your day with exercise in the morning with an empty stomach; your body burns the stored fat to fulfill the requirement of energy and working of the body.Â
Absorb the sunlight:
Absorb the sunlight in the morning because Vitamin D helps in hormones’ well-functioning; the hormones control the appetite of your body, which results in a balanced or controlled weight.

If you want to lose weight, you have to eliminate the following items from your daily diet.
- Meals containing excessive sugar
- Oil and butter
- Baked items
- Bagels
- White bread
- Juice
Oil and butter
Oil and fat contain energy and fatty acids ( A, C, and E) that the body can’t synthesize. But consuming oil, butter, or anything containing most fats will play a vital role in increasing the body’s mass; the reason is that foods with the most fat have the most energy, i.e., calories. That’s why it is said that imbalance always causes harm.
Baked items:
Baked items are those foods that are baked or cooked in the oven. Vanaspati ghee is used in bakeries mostly; therefore, trans fats (unsaturated fat) is consumed by the body since these trans fat contain oil and fats, which leads to obesity as well as they also have calcaneus substance which is gathered in the inner lining of vessels, especially in those vessels which are a supplier to heart which causes obstacle for blood to flow through veins that results in heart problems.Â
You must avoid Bagels (a bread roll) if you want to lose weight because Bagels contain calories. The more calories the body takes, the more weight will be gained.
White bread:
White bread is composed of artificial chemicals such as (bleaching, et cetera), preservatives, and added sugar; therefore, it can raise the body’s weight. Besides, it can increase the blood sugar level in the body. Thus instead of buying white bread, you better purchase brown one.
Although juice is made up of fruit, it’s not healthy because it has calories. It doesn’t make you feel full; as well as fruit contains several micronutrients, and in addition, they have an equivalent number of calories. The fruit keeps you full as it consists of fiber, so the absorption of calories reduces; therefore, instead of juice, it’s better to take fruit into your diet.
Processed or junk food:
Processed or junk foods highly contain added sugar, sodium, and fat. They make food tastier, but unnecessarily consuming these foods results in obesity and various diseases. Such foods also imbalance diet; they also lack nutrients to provide energy to the body. But avoiding some foods might cause a lack of essential nutrients and minerals in the body; in such cases, contact a nutritionist or food specialist for accurate guidance because inadequacy of significant nutrients may lead to negative impacts.Â
Along with those diets which have to be excluded from a healthy diet, some diets have to be included in a healthy dietary plan, such as:
- Quinoa
- Chia seeds
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Legumes
- Fish
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Brown rice
- Oatmeal
- Lemon water
- Chia seeds
It’s rich in nutrients which results in weight loss, fastens the metabolism, and helps in feeling complete for the long term. The proteins in Quinoa are more challenging to break down than carbs and fats, which results in burning more calories during digestion.
You can take Quinoa into your diet by adding it to various dishes.
Fruit and vegetables:
Fruit and vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins. In addition, they contain folate, vitamin C, and potassium. Dietary fiber is also present in fruits and vegetables, which makes the gut healthy and helps eliminate digestion problems and constipation (except Banana as it’s fully ripened). A diet with a lot of fiber can save you from bowel cancer.
They burn calories and reduce the fats in the body. Since they contain an abundance of protein and fiber, they give you the feeling of being full, and hence weight reduces. The fiber and nutrients are perfect for your digestive system, and you can be saved from digestive cancer.
Fish is flesh, but it has low calorie and omega three fatty acids, which helps in losing weight as well, as it’s full of protein; after having it, you will feel full, which is pretty good for a non-vegetarian. Fishes such as tilapia, tuna, salmon, halibut, and cod
Nuts have fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that help in losing weight and assist in getting rid of belly fat. Antioxidants are present in nuts, which makes the body healthier.
You feel full after eating nuts as they have enormous amounts of nutrients, which also reduces cravings. Besides, they contain fatty acids, omega-3, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Taking seeds regularly can help you with hormonal imbalance (which plays a vital role in controlling essential body processes), and its origins support weight control.
Brown rice:
Brown rice helps in losing weight by shedding pounds. They have a bigger amount of dietary fiber as compared to the white rice. You’ll feel full for a long time however after taking fewer calories, this is common in mostly food containing high fiber.
Oatmeal includes soluble fiber which helps in losing weight and feeling full. Steel cut and rolled oats are extremely rich in nutrition, adding oatmeal in your diet will definitely benefit you.
Lemon water
Lemon water (mixture of water and half of lemon) helps in detoxification of the body as well as in burning of fats which results in fastening the metabolism of the body. Besides, minerals and vitamins in it make the digestive system more efficient. It cools down your chest area and prevents chest burning (in which the acid of the stomach travels towards the throat leading to chest burn). It’s more beneficial to drink it in the morning because a glass of lemon water in the morning will be a better substitute for tea or coffee as it energizes your body. Therefore if you drink a glass of lemon water on a daily basis then you’ll definitely end up losing weight.
Chia seeds:
Soak chia seeds in water for 10 – 15 minutes. After that, pour it in lukewarm water and add a tablespoon of honey and lemon, after drinking it you would feel full because chia seeds are rich in fiber. Two tablespoons of chia seeds contains approximately 10 grams of fiber. Hence they limit unnecessarily intake of food.

Exercising is one of the most advising tips for weight loss, it helps so efficiently in being fit.
Some of the types of exercise are briefly explained below which can be done at gym and as well as at home. Main requirement is consistency.
It’s a type of aerobic exercise which is done to increase the heart beat rate for a while since the heart pumps unstoppably and supplies blood and nutrients to the cells and other parts therefore it needs consistent exercise to pump systematically that’s why the Cardiovascular (In short: Cardio) is done which assists in burning fat and calories. It works effectively especially in the state of fasting, you may do it for forty five minutes or an hour in the morning.
Cardiovascular exercise can be done in many ways such as climbing the stairs, jogging, jump rope, front kicks, mountain climbers and high knees et cetera
Strength training
It’s a type of exercise which strengthens the muscles of the body and also uplifts your metabolism. Calories are burned through exercising. Since it includes weight lifting therefore the EPOC level is increased which leads to muscle breakdown hence you burn calories even when you’re not exercising or when you just have done your exercise. This exercise enhances the functioning of your body and helps in being healthy.
High-intensity interval training
The HIIT exercise makes your body acquire energy from the fats present in your body instead of nutrients. It’s a difficult task to lose fat and make muscles at the same time but according to some studies, maintaining the muscles can be done through HIIT exercise. The purpose of HIIT workout is to burn the fats of the body and it can be done in such a situation that you do kind of exercises which make you feeling tired and sweaty, meanwhile energy is used by the stored fat in the body which will result in loss of fats from body.
About Author: The content is written by Abiha Fatima. She has been writing personal wellness and heath articles for the past three years.