Moving to a new nation may be stressful, particularly if you have to estimate how much money you’ll need to maintain your current standard of living after relocating. Knowing precisely how much money you will need to live comfortably in your new house is of the utmost importance. In other words, this will assist you in organizing your finances. This article will present a complete study of the cities with the highest average cost of living for expats so that you can make a well-informed choice about your next international move.
We have prepared a rating of the world’s most expensive cities for ex-pats based on the total cost of living, which includes rent, transportation, food, and other necessities. We rate these places based on the cost of living, considering the pricing of products and services that expatriates would generally buy. Each city’s purchasing power parity has also been given to offer a more realistic portrayal of its cost of living.
The Top 10 Most Expensive Cities for Expats
- Hong Kong
- Tokyo
- Zurich
- Geneva
- Singapore
- Seoul
- Shanghai
- New York
- Paris
- Los Angeles
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is at the top of the list of the most expensive places in the world for ex-pats since its cost of living is much greater than that of other cities. The high cost of real estate in Hong Kong contributes significantly to the city’s high cost of living and makes it difficult for non-natives to obtain cheap accommodation. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living.
Tokyo, is the second most expensive place for foreigners to reside in the world. The high cost of housing is a significant component of the high cost of living in the city. Tokyo’s housing is unaffordable due to high costs and a scarcity of available houses. Due to the high expense of numerous types of transportation, expatriates may find it challenging to explore the city.
Zurich, the biggest city in Switzerland, is renowned for its high quality of life and is widely seen as a haven for foreigners. Significantly high incomes and a low unemployment rate may help offset the city’s high cost of living. However, the cost of living is relatively high there. The public transportation system in Zurich is well acclaimed, and with good reason: it is both efficient and user-friendly, especially for beginners.
The cost of living in Geneva, Switzerland, is expensive owing to the city’s prominence and reputation as an attractive location for ex-pats. The sky-high cost of real estate in Geneva is a significant contributor to the city’s high cost of living. Therefore, it may be difficult for expats to find a cheap and suitable residence in Geneva. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living.
Singapore, a city-state in Southeast Asia, has a high quality of life and is regarded as one of the most expensive places for non-native English speakers to reside in the world. Extremely high property prices in Singapore significantly contribute to the country’s overall high cost of living, making it difficult for some tourists to locate a cheap home. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living.
Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is often ranked among the most expensive major cities in the world. The high cost of living in Seoul is primarily attributable to sky-high real estate prices, making it difficult for overseas students and employees to find cheap accommodation. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living. Despite its high cost of living, Seoul is a bustling city with a rich cultural past, world-class entertainment, and flourishing nightlife.
Shanghai, the biggest city in China, is one of the world’s most costly destinations for foreigners to call home. Due to the city’s sky-high property costs, it may be difficult for foreigners to locate cheap homes in Shanghai. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living. Shanghai is a bustling city with a rich cultural past, world-class entertainment, and flourishing nightlife, but it comes at a price. Despite this, Shanghai remains an excellent tourist destination.
New York
The most populous city in the United States, New York Metropolis, is often cited as an example of a city with a high cost of living. Due to the city’s high property costs, which contribute significantly to its overall high cost of living, it may be difficult for ex-pats to locate inexpensive accommodation in New York City. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living. Despite the high cost of living, New York is a bustling city with a rich cultural legacy, world-class entertainment, and thriving nightlife. The city’s cultural significance is substantial.

Paris, France’s capital and most populous city, routinely ranks among the most expensive locations in the world. The high property prices in Paris are a significant factor in the city’s high cost of living and make it difficult for foreigners to locate affordable accommodation. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living. Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world despite its high cost of living owing to its rich cultural legacy, world-class entertainment, and vibrant nightlife.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles, the most populated city in California, is also one of the most expensive locations for foreigners to call home. Los Angeles’ high property costs may make it difficult for ex-pats to locate inexpensive homes, contributing considerably to the city’s overall high cost of living. Food and transportation costs contribute to the city’s overall high cost of living. Los Angeles is a bustling metropolis with a rich cultural past, world-class entertainment, and dynamic nightlife, but its cost of living is somewhat expensive. Despite this, there is much to see and do in the city.
Hong Kong, Tokyo, Zurich, Geneva, Singapore, Seoul, Shanghai, New York City, Paris, and Los Angeles are the most expensive cities for expatriates to dwell in the globe. The high cost of living in these places may make it difficult for ex-pats to locate cheap property and manage their finances prudently. If you are contemplating migrating to a foreign nation, you must thoroughly understand the cost of living there. Thus, you can adapt your financial plan to your new living in a foreign nation.
About Author: The content is written by Maha. She has five years of experience in writing news and informative articles.